State-of-the-art analysis

One of the important tasks of our research group is to analyze the state of the art of HW/SW platforms that (can) target large scale graph processing.

Therefore, we are working on a large survey that includes both dedicated and adapted systems that can solve graph processing problems. A list of the systems is included below.

This is a joint effort for all the members of our team. However, as a starting point, we are using the literature surveys done by Bogdan Aurelian and Marcin Biczak.


There are eight people involved in this project:

  • Dr. Ana Lucia Varbanescu - PostDoc, TUDelft and VU Amsterdam
  • Dr. Alexandru Iosup - Assistant Professor, TUDelft
  • Yong Guo - PhD student, TUDelft
  • Claudio Martella - PhD student, VU Amsterdam
  • Nefeli Papapetrou Lampraki - MSc student, TUDelft 
  • Marcin Biczak - MSc student, TUDelft 
  • Ate Penders - MSc student, TUDelft
  • Aurelian Bogdan - MSc student, VU Amsterdam